Transfer Student

PTSC will be accepting applications for “in-person” transfer students only for the 2024-2025 school year until Friday, February 14, 2025 at 3:00 pm.

To be eligible for transfer, the family must provide school discipline and attendance records for the prior 12 months at the time the application is submitted.  An application will be considered incomplete without this information from the previous school(s).  Incomplete applications will not be considered for acceptance.  The following criteria will be used to preliminary determine if the student meets the eligibility requirements for attendance. The building principal and superintendent shall deny a transfer request based upon one or more of the following criteria:

  • The student was suspended or expelled for 10 or more school days in the 12 months preceding the request for transfer.
  • The student was suspended or expelled for possessing a firearm, deadly weapon, or destructive device in the 12 months preceding the request for transfer.
  • The student was suspended or expelled for causing physical injury to a student, school employee, or visitor to the school in the 12 months preceding the request for transfer.
  • The student was suspended or expelled for violating a drug or alcohol rule in the 12 months preceding the request for transfer.
  • The student withdrew from enrollment under recommendation for suspension or expulsion as described in item 1, 2, 3, or 4 above in the 12 months preceding the request for transfer.
  • The student has had a history of unexcused absences, and the Board believes that, based upon the location of the student’s residence, attendance would be a problem for the student if the student is enrolled in the Corporation.

Disciplinary and attendance documentation provided with the application is subject to verification from the student’s official education record from school(s) previously attended either before or after acceptance, as applicable.  See application for further conditions.

PTSC has capacity to enroll the following number of transfers students by grade level:


Application Procedure:

Download and print the application form for the 2024-2025 school year. Please send the completed application form to Laura Scott at or by fax to 219-477-4834.

2024-2025 Transfer Student Application

Download and print the Disciplinary and Attendance Report Request Form and provide this form to the school your child is currently enrolled to request 12-month disciplinary and attendance reports.

Disciplinary and Attendance Report Request Form

The disciplinary and attendance reports should be dated and signed by a school administrator identifying the reporting school and should be submitted to PTSC by the reporting school.  The report should include all disciplinary action and recorded absences for the past 12 months and if there is no disciplinary action, it should simply state as such.

Applications and reports must be received on or before the posted deadline date to be considered. Please send by fax to 219-477-4834, by email to or by mail to Porter Township School Corporation, Administration Building, 248 South 500 West, Valparaiso, IN 46385. 

*Applications will be considered incomplete without the disciplinary and attendance reports and will not be considered until complete.

The superintendent will accept applications until the posted deadline.

After the posted deadline, the superintendent will review the applications and parents will be contacted with the status of their application by email.

If more applications are received than the number of seats posted as available, a public meeting will be called to hold a random public drawing for seat assignment.

Transportation for transfer students is the parents’ responsibility. There is no “transfer fee”; however, all normal student fees will apply.

Please contact Laura Scott at 219-477-4933, Ext. 1000 with any additional questions.

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