Phone Directory

Information about Contacting Schools & Offices by Phone

We have a variety of numbers from which to choose and you can call any of the three numbers for the building and it will ring that building. The chart attached will give you many options for calling the buildings. You may pick a number that is a local call for you. We would like them to use the local phone number that is free for them to call as we have to pay for the toll free number and may eventually phase that out. New phones are now in place—and we are hoping for a smooth transition! We are making this transition to reduce our phone cost and also to improve the reliability of our phone system. By adding numbers, we are hoping that there will be a number that is local for you to call the building no matter where you live.

Welcome to Porter Township School Corporation!
* Before dialing an extension, please choose a location: 
* If you know your party’s extension, press 0 
* For the Central Office, press 1 
* For Boone Grove High School, press 2
* For Boone Grove Middle School, press 3
* For Boone Grove Elementary School, press 4
* For Porter Lakes Elementary School, press 5
* For the District Maintenance Office, press 6
* For the Laidlaw Bus Company, press 7
* For the Athletic Office, press 8

When you reach a school:

*If you know your party’s extension, press 0

*To reach the main office, press 1
*To replay this menu, press #
*To return to the previous menu, press *

Cell phone and caller I.D. users: 

When you receive a phone call from one of our schools, the number which displays in the caller I.D. box is an OUTBOUND phone line. It cannot receive incoming phone calls. Please use one of the 8 numbers posted on this page to call our schools.

Phone Extensions for District Phones Most school phones will now be directed to a main directory for the whole corporation. Anyone calling the following numbers will hear the menu below:






Central Office Extensions:

Boone Grove High School Ext.
Main Office/Principal 2000
Athletic Director 2222
Athletic Secretary 2217
Attendance 2217
Nurse’s Office 2888
Guidance Office 2232
Accounts Payable 2230
Cafeteria 2141
Boone Grove Middle School and Elementary Ext.
Main Office4000
Nurse’s Office4888
Guidance Office3114
Nurse’s Office2888
Accounts Payable4001
Porter Lakes Elementary Ext.
Main Office/Principal5000
Nurse’s Office5888
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